Sunday, November 13, 2011

Pure Bliss

As a child, Christmas was about presents, turkey dinners, and getting to go to the snow. As an adult, Christmas has transformed into a holiday to celebrate family and togetherness. Gifts mean little to me, except for those I give. The holidays are more about getting to spend time alone with your family, and seeing those you might not have in a while. Gathering around the decorated pine tree and watching my nephews tear into the wrapped boxes is a better joy than most. I suppose when I have children of my own the feeling will be similar. Enhanced? Perhaps. Only time will tell.

Experiences differ as we grow older. I can only be grateful for the upbringing my parents gave me. I see the world in a whole new light. Sometimes I long for the ignorant bliss of a child; no worries, no responsibilities, when your biggest offset was having to clean your room. Though I still have many years of growing to do, I think I stand comfortably with where I am in my life.

I'm going to school, working towards my future, living almost independently, am responsible for two little lives other than my own (my dog and cat), and I'm happier than I was this time last year, or even the year before. I'm single, but I'm only 21. I feel no need whatsoever to include a man in my life right now. I think I need to establish my own life first, and then work someone into it.

I have a friend, Lisa, who immerses herself into every guy she's with, border lining obsession. She's extremely co-dependent, and is destroyed every time it doesn't work out. She builds herself around the guy, and as a consequence has nothing to fall back on when it's over. It's extremely unhealthy and I do not condone this behavior. You shouldn't make your boyfriend or girlfriend your entire life. It just turns into shit. Every time. Someone should compliment your life, not take it over.

Back to Christmas subject, it's a little over a month away, and I couldn't be more excited. I favor Fall and Winter, and the weather that comes with it. Trees turn colors, snow powders the ground with a sheet of white, I get to cuddle by the fire with a book and a mug of hot chocolate. Pure Bliss.

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